Friends of Camas NWR Photography Contest

The Friends of Camas National Wildlife Refuge is celebrating the natural wonders of Eastern Idaho wildlife refuges and wildlife management areas with its seventh and sadly, last photography contest. Photographs of birds, other wildlife, and flora, as well as scenic images may be submitted at through July 31, 2023. THIS IS EARLY! Jump on this contest fast! See the complete rules and submission form at
Entrants may submit up to five photographs taken at the Southeast Idaho Refuge Management Complex (Camas NWR, Bear Lake NWR, Gray’s Lake NWR, Oxford Slough WPA) and Idaho Fish and Game-managed areas (Mud Lake WMA, Market Lake WMA and Deer Parks WMA [including Cartier Slough]).
Entrants may submit up to five photographs taken at the Southeast Idaho Refuge Management Complex (Camas NWR, Bear Lake NWR, Gray’s Lake NWR, Oxford Slough WPA) and Idaho Fish and Game-managed areas (Mud Lake WMA, Market Lake WMA and Deer Parks WMA [including Cartier Slough]).
Friends of Camas NWR Photography Contest Rules
Sole Sponsor is Friends of Camas National Wildlife Refuge
Term of contest – digital entries only will be accepted through July 31, 2023. This is early!
Eligibility – (Friends of Camas board members and families, and refuge and management area employees and families are not eligible to enter)
How to enter – Each digital image must be submitted separately using the on-line entry form at All entries must provide complete information, including subject matter, location, and any digital adjustments. Only five images in total may be submitted per entrant. Completed entry forms and digital images should be emailed to
Entry Requirements – Images must be in .jpg format, 10 MB or smaller and at least 1600 pixels on the long edge. Images must be taken at the Southeast Idaho Refuge Complex (Camas NWR, Bear Lake NWR, Gray’s Lake NWR, Oxford Slough WPA) or Idaho Fish and Game-managed areas (Mud Lake WMA, Market Lake WMA, Deer Parks WMA).
Photo entry information – All photos must have complete entry form attached, including subjects, locations, and any digital adjustments. Acceptable editing may include adjustments to color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness; removal of dust and scratches; cropping; black and white conversions; and use of HDR (High Dynamic Range); such modifications must be disclosed. Images may be scanned from negatives, slides, prints, or transparencies. No watermarks are permitted.
Naming – (last name of photographer) (First name of photographer) (# of 5)(Subject) Example: Braastadsue1sunset
Judging – Photographs will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact and artistic merit. Judges will be selected from current and former Friends of Camas NWR board members.
Intellectual Property –
Entrants retain ownership and all other rights to future use of the photographs they enter except for the following: your entry to the contest constitutes your agreement to allow your entered photographs, and your name, occupation, city/state/country of residence, and photo information, to be published as Winners or Honorable Mentions on the Friends of Camas website, and you grant Friends of Camas NWR and its licensees the perpetual, worldwide non-exclusive license to reproduce, distribute, display and create derivative works of the entry (including name credit) in connection with the Friends of Camas NWR Photo Contest and promotion for the Friends of Camas NWR, in any media.
Prizes –
A Grand Prize of $50 will be awarded.
First prize will be a Friends of Camas NWR neck gaiter and a ‘camera lens’ mug.
Second prize will be a ‘camera lens’ mug.
Third place will be a Friends of Camas NWR neck gaiter.
All prize winners will receive ribbons.
Submit entry form with each photo.
Please Name your photo as stated above.
Thank you, good luck, and happy shooting!
Photograph Submission Form (application pdf)
Name ___________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Phone ________________________ Cell ______________
Email address _____________________________________
Location of photograph:
____ Camas NWR ____ Mud Lake WMA
____ Gray’s Lake NWR ____ Market Lake WMA
____ Bear Lake NWR ____ Deer Parks
____ Oxford Slough WPA
Subject and Date of Image:
Modifications to image (contrast, color correction, HDR, sharpening, etc.; see contest rules) ___________________________________________________________________
Agree to use by Friends of Camas NWR as specified in Contest Rules:
Name of entrant ______________________________________________
Date __________________________
Naming – (last name of photographer) (First name of photographer) (# of 5)(Subject) Example: Braastadsue1sunset
Separately submit this form with each image (up to 5 images per person) to